Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

The Peacock

the story behind this image :

I have taken photos in many forbidden places or in areas where it was not safe - especially for a woman - I have taken lots of pictures in difficult situations off moving boats or turned myself into a pretzel to get the right perspective .... but everything has always turned out just fine.
But I remember the day when I took this image all too well. It was March 2008 when I went with my 8 year old granddaughter to the small carved out of the jungle zoo in Mismaloya/Mexico. We had a great time watching and photographing animals, then we came to an area with birds - and some of them were running around freely !
Excitement, excitement : there was my first peacock !! I had to get down to his level to get the right angle and crouched down sitting precariously on my haunches, I had to adjust my camera - such a bright light, I had to focus ..... I pressed the shutter and had a photo - then tried a second shot. Suddenly an enormous weight landed on me - the peacock was right in my lap !!!! I felt pain in my right hand which was holding the camera - he had bitten me !!! My granddaughter was screaming, I was on the ground, in shock, and there was blood running down from my hand. I managed to get up after shaking him off and inspected the damage - three wounds, but my ego was probably more damaged than my hand.
But I counted my blessings - he could have picked me in the face or even eyes, I also had tissues to clean up my hand .... and my Tetanus shot was still good for a year.... a painkiller could be taken at home.
I was " rewarded" with one photo .... but it will remain my only Peacock image for a long time.

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Vistas 65


Cámara Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Objetivo Unknown 6-72mm
Diafragma 3.5
Tiempo de exposición 1/125
Distancia focal 19.1 mm
ISO 233