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The Road To Nowhere

The Road To Nowhere

1.478 3

Robert Davies

Free Account, Manchester

The Road To Nowhere

Can you tell what it is yet? ;)

Comentarios 3

  • Xenny Darling 06/05/2006 17:29

    Interesting photo :) I wouldn't have guessed had it not been for one of the other comments.
  • Tatiana Kirillova 17/04/2006 7:35

    I don't really quess what it is but the photo is nice, I like it!
  • Josep A. Collado 15/04/2006 6:25

    This is a vey good idea. It reminds me the monolith (with holes) of the film 2001, a space odyssey.
    ah!, and too it is a device who those that serve to iron the clothes :-)