The Royal Palace of Caserta
The Royal Palace of Caserta was wanted by the King of Naples Carlo di Borbone, who, taken by a "competition" with the French royals and eager to donate structures such proportions to Naples that they could play a role of capital-city at European level, he decided to inaugurate a palace that could rival in magnificence and grandeur with that of Versailles. The royal palace of Caserta is a royal palace, with a majestic park about 4 km long attached., It is the largest royal residence in the world by volume and the historical owners were the Bourbons of Naples, In 1997 it was declared by UNESCO,
Jürgen Hamela 06/06/2020 18:45
Ein königlicher Palast mit einer beeindruckenden Architektur. Sehr fein gezeigt.Gruß
Thomas Tilker 20/05/2020 15:27
...beeindruckender Klassizismus (?)...LG Thom
Emilio Sirletti 17/05/2020 18:57
Bellissimo!Una reggia stupenda e un parco che non sfigura di frante a Versailles.
Ciao, Emilio
Helmut 57 17/05/2020 18:19
Eine sehr gute Aufnahme so formatfüllend. die Farben so gut...... es lädt ein den Park zu besuchen. Lieben Gruß HelmutHolger Hellinger 17/05/2020 17:54
Eine exzellente Architekturaufnahme - Respekt!LG.Holger
Renato T. 17/05/2020 0:24
Fantastico...certo non si badava alle spese in quei tempi.Ciao Francè complimenti per i tuoi capolavori!!!
ann mari cris aschieri 16/05/2020 21:46
Splendida anche la versione in B/N, guarda che meraviglia!Complimenti per lo scatto, CIAo!
Adele D. Oliver 16/05/2020 21:45
a splendid palace and excellent symmetrical presentation,excellent sharp details throughout and great light ... thank
your for your great information !!
wish you a good weekend, ... stay safe !!
homwico 16/05/2020 18:33
Ein toller Blick auf die Fassade !LG homwico
claudine capello 16/05/2020 13:10
è cosi grande che non riesci a prenderlo tutto in foto !!!!!!!!!complimenti clRalf M. B. 16/05/2020 9:47
Das ist ein imposanter Palast. Den hast du herrlich präsentiert. Das Gelände sieht sehr sauber und aufgeräumt aus. Tolle Symmetrie!LG Ralf
Gelo Charro 16/05/2020 9:46
Hermoso palacio, con óptimas luces y un espléndido punto de vista!!!!!Te deseo, un gran fin de semana