The sacred kiosks
The sacred kiosks of Naples are innumerable in the oldest part of the city and constitute precious forms of art and religious architecture born as a symbol of both private and popular devotion. They constitute a precious heritage rich in artistic styles and have their roots in ancient times and spread to the present day. Among the reasons that unite the construction of sacred sanctuaries, there are undoubtedly those inherent in the graces received and those relating to petitions. Finally, the Neapolitan religiosity, characterized by the absence of dogmas and capable of mixing even magical and religious rituals, meant that the votive sanctuary, in particular the private one, highlighted the family relationship that the devotee had created with his sacred references.
polli24 15/06/2020 18:22
A very good picture and a meaningfull explanation. last yaer when i visited naples i wondered about all this sacred "kiosks"felipe Martínez Pérez 04/06/2020 17:24
Buen encuadre.Renato T. 03/06/2020 17:52
Ein vielsagendes Motiv!lg Renato
J Oscar Sierra Echo 02/06/2020 17:21
Wonderful moody cityscape, great colors and light!Greetings.
SINA 01/06/2020 10:15
Atmosphärisch klasseClaudio Micheli 30/05/2020 20:53
Bellissima immagine.Ciao
Emilio Sirletti 30/05/2020 17:32
Quella delle edicole votive è una tradizione antica e molto sentita, specie tra le masse proletarie.Ciao, Emilio
Giorgio Montani 30/05/2020 15:24
Muri e pavimentazione trasmettono il fascino dell'antico, contrapposto alla tecnologia del ragazzo che ascolta musica!Mulazzani Anna Maria 30/05/2020 10:29
Davvero il tuo stile è inconfondibile! Peccato che io non conosco l'inglese!!Tonino Di Marzio 30/05/2020 9:13
Inconfondibile stile. Colori tutti da godere.Reinhard Wulff 30/05/2020 7:14
what a ramshackle beauty. well done.Adele D. Oliver 30/05/2020 3:02
an excellent capture of this old street and the fascinatinglittle altar …. I fondly remember seeing corners like this
one, seemingly a Neapolitan heritage tradition ….
happy weekend,
Bodo.K 30/05/2020 1:05
Wieder ein fotografischer Leckerbissen;-)lucy franco 29/05/2020 22:02
sacro e profano mischiati insieme , certe volte con emblematico effetto poetico. Molto bella!Allan Karzel 29/05/2020 21:55
Nice picture with strong effect.I like it.
Greetings Allan