The spirit of Scotland X. One O'clock Gun
11 d'agost de 2011
Canon EOS 40D, objectiu EFS 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS USM
Edinburgh Castle
One O'Clock Gun
The One O'Clock Gun is a time signal, and is fired every day at precisely 13:00, excepting Sunday, Good Friday and Christmas Day. The gun was established in 1861 as a time signal for ships in the Firth of Forth, and complemented the time ball, which was installed on the Nelson Monument in 1852, but which was useless during foggy weather. The gun could easily be heard by ships in Leith Harbour, 2 miles (3.2 km) away. Because sound travels relatively slowly (approximately 343 metres per second (770 mph)), maps were produced in the 1860s to show the actual time when the sound of the gun was heard at various locations in Edinburgh.
The original gun was an 18-pound muzzle-loading cannon, which needed four men to load, and was fired from the Half Moon Battery. This was replaced in 1913 by a 32-pound breech-loader, and in May 1952 by a 25-pound Howitzer. The present One O'Clock Gun is an L118 Light Gun, brought into service on 30 November 2001.
Although the gun is no longer required for its original purpose, the ceremony has become a popular tourist attraction.
…y las malas lenguas aseguran que el motivo de que el cañón dé la una y no las doce es para ahorrar en pólvora (los escoceses se han ganado la fama de ser tan tacaños como los judíos, los holandeses o los catalanes…)
Ramon Gamell 31/08/2011 18:35
Vaig estar a Edinburgh el 1977 .. i veig que ha plogut molt des de llavors ençà perquè els paraigües estan oberts. Es molt bonic Escòcia. Crec que els catalans ens hi trobem bé per allà.Una abraçada.
Paloma ARPA 31/08/2011 17:25
Qué buenaaaa!!! el contraste de colores es un gran marco para asomarse en esa muralla,el cañón impresionante.Besooosss
Manel Sánchez 31/08/2011 13:35
Fantástica Joan. El detall tonal dels paraigues es fenomenal.salu2
santiago arroyo gimeno 31/08/2011 13:17
Estupenda fotografía, Magnífica la panorfámica y el color y detalle.
Adele D. Oliver 30/08/2011 21:44
Great this rainy view - love the contrasts between all the colourful umbrellas and the grey mood covering the buildings and the castle area.hugs, Adele
María de la Rosa 30/08/2011 19:01
Nunca tengo oportunidad de hacer fotografias con paraguar y adoro los colores y tu has conseguido algo el contraste del argumento.Buenisima
Ana Vera 30/08/2011 18:11
me la llevo a favoritas.. yainoxbany 30/08/2011 17:13
Muy buen documento eso de que ahorran podrian aplicarlo en las guerrasMe encanta la foto
Hans-Günther Schöner 30/08/2011 12:43
Eine sehr schöne Momentaufnahme mit viel Ausdruck !!
anna jané 30/08/2011 12:04
Son més garrepes que nosaltres...jeje.Un dia plujós, però amb molt bona vista, m'agrada molt el colors dels paraigües i la nitidessa de la foto.
Abraçada Joan,
dolores coll 30/08/2011 12:04
ya son ganas andar turisteando, bajo los paraguas que dan un magnifico toque de color.