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There Is No Escape...

There Is No Escape...

734 3

Comentarios 3

  • Robyn Raggio 08/04/2007 17:08

    I'm not certain of the message here, for it's not clearly conveyed with the subjectmatter. Why? The red dish or rather half of the red dish is strangely out of place, and I do realize that THAT indeed may be the very point, but it's rendering is abrupt and it appears as if it were a bit too casually placed--giving it the appearance of an afterthought. The edge is a little too cleanly chopped and the light is different from the rest of the scene.

    If the image is hunger, the concept is great, just need a little work on the execution. The sky is perfect and full of dread, the lost crop a cry of desperation, but the bowl just doesn't fit somehow. Perhaps if it were turned over to reveal emptiness.
  • Wayne Tsipouras 08/04/2007 9:56

    Interesting image, well done.

  • Kombizz Kashani 08/04/2007 3:49

    How are you sure?

    good ps work