They can only watching
A homeless mother with her son and daughter sitting in the front of a Hypermart in Solo, Indonesia.
Dreaming someday they could be there..
They can only watching
A homeless mother with her son and daughter sitting in the front of a Hypermart in Solo, Indonesia.
Dreaming someday they could be there..
Kristianto Wibowo 22/10/2007 18:20
Thank You Christian...I really apreciate that!...
For aw masry....
Lucky shot mas, kebetulan si ibu dan anak ini relatif diam selama 2 detik, tanpa mereka tahu saya moto di belakangnya.
Big Thx to You..
Christian Knospe 22/10/2007 18:13
beautiful seenchris
aw masry 21/10/2007 19:50
What a very emotional scene !!! An Excellent image from live.PoI-nya sangat kuat. Tone, komposisi, dan light motion di jalanan menambah sisi artistik photo ini.
Salam - andi aw masry