Timber Wolf at Lakota Wolf Preserve
Spent the afternoon at the Lakota Wolf Preserve hoping to get at least one good shot at these handsome wolfs. The temperature was just above freezing but the sun was shining and there was not one cloud in the sky. Looking through a small opening in the enclosure I could see several wolfs taking their afternoon nap in the warm sunshine.
Vitória Castelo Santos 24/02/2018 22:16
What a lovely wolf!Congratulations
Nice sunday
Andy-Wood 31/01/2018 23:08
Nice capture...II find that looking a wolf in the eye is a strange sensation
Sybille Treiber 28/01/2018 10:17
Was für ein schönes Tier, toll fotografiert.LG Sybille
JOKIST 27/01/2018 21:47
GLÜCKWUNSCH zu diesem Foto !Ingrid und Hans
pts 27/01/2018 12:38
Wie harmlos ER sich dort gibt !Doch fast jeder weiß, ER kann auch anders !!
Gut sieht ER aus, ebenso das Foto, mit dem Du ihn erfasst hast.
Tschüssing gemblue, nice weekend,
† JYM59 27/01/2018 10:40
Une bonne tête.....Jörg Klüber 27/01/2018 8:27
Sehr gutes Portrait! ;-)LG Jörg
archiek 27/01/2018 2:39
A wonderful shot of this good looking animal.Regards, Archie
Adele D. Oliver 27/01/2018 2:26
indeed a beautiful wolf and a fine portrait of him in great light andwith sharp details ... compliments !!!
warm regards,
claudine capello 27/01/2018 1:44
sei riuscito a un bel ritratto!! è molto bello e fa anche un po impressione! complimenti bel lavoro cl