Trains at Grand Central Terminal Imagen & Foto | industry & technology, railway, new york Fotos de fotocommunity
Trains at Grand Central Terminal Imagen & Foto de gemblue ᐅ Mira y evalúa la foto de manera gratuita en Descubre más fotos aquí.
Interesting documentary shot with strong colors, but could not ignore the seeming "disconnect" between the welcome aboard sign and the almost sinister, almost unwelcoming platform. Yes, vielleicht, Olli hat's recht - schmuddelig ;-)
excellent viewpoint and symmetrical view - great glowing colours in the dark .... and I like your presentation !!
hugs and greetings from Vancouver's Terminal,
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Steve Ember 19/09/2014 6:53
Interesting documentary shot with strong colors, but could not ignore the seeming "disconnect" between the welcome aboard sign and the almost sinister, almost unwelcoming platform. Yes, vielleicht, Olli hat's recht - schmuddelig ;-)LG,
gemblue 07/02/2013 19:24
Yep, Ollie, da hast Du recht, es it's alles sehr smuddelich...eigendlich schade!Hans-Olaf FLÜGEL 06/02/2013 2:44
Sehr schönes Bild von Dir.Sieht aber doch alles ziemlich schmuddelig aus. Wo sind die Fahrgäste?
LG von
Ken Piros 04/02/2013 12:27
Good detail and color.Adele D. Oliver 03/02/2013 7:50
excellent viewpoint and symmetrical view - great glowing colours in the dark .... and I like your presentation !!hugs and greetings from Vancouver's Terminal,
Jörg Klüber 03/02/2013 6:41
Top pov and fascinating lights!LG Jörg