Un'altra Venezzia 2
I dedicate this series to my dearest Venetian friend and distinguished photographer Adriana Lissandrini.
Un'altra Venezzia 2
I dedicate this series to my dearest Venetian friend and distinguished photographer Adriana Lissandrini.
Dieter K 16/10/2016 18:40
Super, tooGiampiero Mazzoleni 14/10/2016 11:42
Anche questa veramente bella !!Harold Thompson 14/10/2016 9:41
Nice scene:-)) Harold
sparkling light 14/10/2016 9:28
As I said in my other comment.Jost
Sue Thompson 14/10/2016 8:34
A great vie across the water to that lovely old city.:))
rocco di ciommo 13/10/2016 23:40
foto magnifica... bravo Alexander !!!adriana lissandrini 13/10/2016 22:40
Also this shooting is of great beauty, excellent b / w and the definitionthanks again, dear Alexander