Underground Parking
Sorry, the humour is a bit black - but I could not resist sharing this after seeing the sign for years on my walks and finally taking a picture last Saturday.
A big thank you to all for your many recent visits and nice comments!!
† Ernst Hobscheidt 23/01/2010 18:21
das hast du super gut gesehen und auch klasse abgelichtet.Gruß
Alfredo Yanez 22/01/2010 23:20
Excelente titulo, para el trabajo, que indica ese cartel!Felicitaciones Adele!!!
Dragomir Vukovic 22/01/2010 20:31
^^^MICHAEL stüben 22/01/2010 18:57
......U-Parking, where you can visit all gone members of the family ??Walter Zeis 22/01/2010 14:23
eine köstliche schilder-konkurrenz!!lg walter
Michael Grotkamp 22/01/2010 8:39
Wonderful. More please !lg Michael
vittorio L 21/01/2010 22:24
Very very original !!!!Ciao
Ernst Heister 21/01/2010 19:48
Solange daraus kein Dauerparkplatz wird!Liebe Grüße, Ernst
Matthias Moritz 21/01/2010 18:41
Adele, you made my day :-)))corvosson 21/01/2010 17:41
Und ich dachte immer,dass "nur" die deutsche Sprache soo zweideutig ist :P aber es passieren wohl überall makabre Dinge im Leben -gutes Auge,deftiger Humor :)LGrüezi -Holger
Claudio Micheli 21/01/2010 13:32
....great!....really a very nice and funny shot!Ciao
s. sabine krause 21/01/2010 12:54
: )))))))))))))))) amazing how the things surrounding death and funeral homes often end up being hilariously funny! must be because everyone's always striving so hard to be reverent and tasteful that they tend to overdo it, and wind up at the "opposite end"… actually, to me "mount pleasant" is outrageously funny already, for macabre pictures of hands with shovels and "mounts of clay" pop up in my brain right away… great shot, adele! and a great decision to capture it ; ))! hugs, sabine.Heidi Roloff 21/01/2010 12:44
Wirklich unfreiwilliger, schwarzer Humor :-))) Very funny.LG Heidi
JValentina 21/01/2010 10:28
muy buen detalle y muy bien vista Adele!!!!un abrazo
Mark Billiau. 21/01/2010 10:03
Is this the entrance of the 'highway to hell'....... ?Well spotted black humour scene, Adele.