1.640 4

Dana Jeandron

Free Account, New Orleans

Comentarios 4

  • kcg 05/08/2005 19:20

    a cathedral of colors.

  • † wovo 16/07/2005 9:54

    Hi Neil, I think, the plants here are not removeable.
    Either one had to remove them (before taking the photo) - or one had to do a lot of digital editing - what I feel is not necessary.
    I don't feel - that the flowers disturb the photo.
    I even can imagine, that the monks who lived there had also plants there.....
  • Neil Auty 15/07/2005 23:07

    I think this would work better without the plants onteh left. They don't add anything for me, I would have tried to remove them with PSP to see what occurs.
    Otherwise, I like this shot.
    Neil A
  • † wovo 14/07/2005 18:23

    another good motive.
    have you thought about showing this in black and white ?- I Imagin this in b/w even better.