Vancouver Living .... on the Water in a Floating Home
Across from the downtown highrises in Vancouver is a floating homes community .... somewhat of a tourist attraction for people visiting the market at Granville Island.
Thank you for your visits and comments, everybody!
Andreas Wellnitz 02/06/2013 17:28
Schön,das linke Haus im Vordergrund fand ich toll mit den Blumen,lg.Andreas!Arnica 27/10/2010 22:54
I like do discover your Vancouver. I've never been there and you are my personal tour guide with your photos. Tis is one I wouldn't have expected. I've already red about floating houses in Dänmark as a project but didn't realise that is already common.So it is great to have you to show us.
Thank you for that
DRAGA PUC 02/06/2009 20:59
... and the light is great.****Q.61 28/05/2009 22:40
Grandios Adele, wir haben beide nah am Wasser gebaut. wunderschöne Aufnahme.Viele Grüße Q.
decay 27/05/2009 19:45
Jürgen Cron 27/05/2009 12:13
Adele wann darf ich kommen, du machst mich sehr Neugierig auf Vancouver :-)Lieben Gruß, Jürgen...
Elisa M 26/05/2009 22:52
Me encanta la presencia del color en tus fotografías.Meike T. 24/05/2009 20:58
Das sieht ja richtig gemütlich aus. Sowas hätt ich nie in Vancouver vermutet.Sehr schönes Foto.
LG Meike
Jan Eckel 23/05/2009 20:26
This is a very, very nice view, beautiful floating homes, i would like to live there, greetings from JanJosé Ramón Miguel 23/05/2009 18:24
Un bello encuadre con un gran color.Saludos
J e n n i f e r E. 22/05/2009 10:32
Oh I remember these floating homes! I liked it a lot actually. I found them really original with all these colors. ^Andrea Stefanie Gierke 22/05/2009 9:18
schaut lebendig und beseelt aus;-)
JValentina 22/05/2009 0:03
¡¡que nitida que luz y que colores tiene!!!! es magnifica, me encantasaludos
JOKIST 21/05/2009 21:57
Living in Vancouver gives a wonderful feeling !+++ SUPER +++
LG Ingrid und Hans
Pascal Viyer 21/05/2009 20:19
Wonderful pinkamitié