Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Vancouver Living ... this Building is Coming Down

I spotted this large group of old apartment buildings slated to be torn down on my way to Queen Elizabeth Park (and this one had the nicest decorations) .... what will they be replaced with?

Best wishes for a relaxing weekend - and thank you for your comments!

Vancouver Living ... this Building is Going Up
Vancouver Living ... this Building is Going Up
Adele D. Oliver

Comentarios 24

  • Andreas Wellnitz 06/06/2013 11:02

    Mein Geschmack währe das nicht,lg.Andreas!
  • MICHAEL stüben 03/09/2011 7:29

    Yust an ilusion......good shot, Adele
  • Konstantinos Papazoglou 18/01/2010 21:16

    A rather ugly wall of a of a rather ugly building turned to a canvass of simple paintings of life's joyfulness... I wonder are there going to be in the future other artists to transform the "new" architectonic giant? :)


    Excellent shot!
  • hrishikesh thakur 03/06/2009 5:14

  • Silvia Corvalan 02/06/2009 20:32

    I love this building with all this beautiful 'windows'...
    Good seeing and shot!

    Thank you for visit my gallery and a nice comments.
  • Maria João Arcanjo 02/06/2009 10:06

    eautiful shot. It is a pity to loose all this perfect trompel'oeil art.
  • Meike T. 02/06/2009 8:34

    Es ist als blickt man durch Fenster...
    Es gibt viel zu entdecken.

    LG Meike
  • DRAGA PUC 01/06/2009 9:48

    excellent series, Adele. So simple and so nice.
  • Heidi Bollich 31/05/2009 13:17

    Wunderbare Aufnahme, klasse die Radfahrer.
    LG Heidi
  • Pascal Viyer 31/05/2009 11:13

    cool life
  • Alfredo Yanez 30/05/2009 23:11

    If it fall down, the painted figures sustained it?
    Very good picture, nice color ..
    Regards Alfredo
  • Die Mohnblumen 30/05/2009 22:17

    Hallo Adele,
    ein sehr interessantes Motiv, gut umgesetzt.
    Schneide es mal ohne Himmel. Wird auch interessant durch die Radfahrer.
    LG Heike & K-H
  • Angelika El. 30/05/2009 21:09

    Das sieht wirklich sehr fein aus.... diese "Scherenschnitte" sind richtig tolle Hingucker!!!


  • Ernst Heister 30/05/2009 20:58

    Wenn es i n den Häusern doch genauso lebhaft und friedlich zugehen würde, wie es diese feinen Bemalungen andeuten, dann wäre schon viel gewonnen!
    Liebe Grüße, Ernst
  • Deryck 30/05/2009 15:40

    I think Sabine has said it all. those decorations are quite something. Excellent scene