View into the yards of Penitentiary
Despite its reputation as a pioneering institution for the new, enlightened view of imprisonment, Port Arthur was still in reality as harsh and brutal as other penal settlements. Some critics might even suggest that its use of psychological punishment, compounded with no hope of escape, made it one of the worst. Some tales suggest that prisoners committed murder (an offence punishable by death) just to escape the desolation of life at the camp. The Island of the Dead was the destination for all who died inside the prison camps. Of the 1646 graves recorded to exist there, only 180, those of prison staff and military personnel, are marked. The prison closed in 1877.
Herbert Rulf 17/08/2021 0:27
Sieht ja fotografisch ganz nett aus, früher war das nach deiner Beschreibung wohl eher ungemütlich dort.Aber die Briten gingen wohl sowieso nicht nett mit den Insassen der Straflager um, auch später. Ich hatte beruflich mit den Schicksalen deutscher Gefangener in den britischen asiatischen Straflagern in Singapur, Indien, Malaysia usw. während des 2. Weltkrieges zu tun, sie standen den berüchtigten Japanern in Bezug auf Grausamkeit in nichts nach.
LG, Herbert
Ralf Melchert 16/08/2021 22:54
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