'virtual sourpuss'
These grow here in Tallahassee, and are ready to pucker your mouth!' The light was right.... soooooo. JD
'virtual sourpuss'
These grow here in Tallahassee, and are ready to pucker your mouth!' The light was right.... soooooo. JD
prasad 18/05/2009 11:24
nice selective focus.Sally Dunn 22/03/2009 23:08
I can almost taste the citrus!Sally Dunn
Comy 16/12/2008 5:47
great shot...Fons van Swaal 08/12/2008 11:49
Excellent shot Judith......I wonder is this natural light or did you use flash..
Would love to see it without the white reflection , ( from Sun or Flash ) to bring out the yellow/green colour a bit more in the highlighted area ..
Canan Oner 08/12/2008 8:54
Great light and color , amazing details here Judi....Brightenes my Monday morning :)))))Much hugs,
archiek 08/12/2008 6:34
a great photo to make one pucker up. Very good light and colors. -archie