2.555 6


Rhode Island, USA

Comentarios 6

  • Karsten Uwe Schmidt 20/07/2006 19:40

    Sehr schönes Bild
  • Ralph LONG Metz 20/07/2006 19:01

    I like it. Really.
  • Hubert Becker 20/07/2006 10:54

    Hi 3Dimka,
    welcome to the fc-stereosection. Very nice photo - like the ones I've been knowing from you on the yahoo group :)

    Imho, you should correct the tilted horizon and add an inkling of sharpness.

  • Micha Luhn 19/07/2006 18:43

    Welcome to the fc stereo section, Dmitriy. Looks like a stereo made with a electronically sync?
    Great pic. Want to see more of these dynamic pics.

    regards Micha
  • Serge Côté 19/07/2006 17:57

    A very refreshing one. I can almost feel the strenght of the water wave.

  • Julian Tritschler 19/07/2006 15:52

    Die dreidemensionale Wirkung ist enorm und begeistert mich sehr! Eine saubere Arbeit und ich kann im Moment keine Geister entdecken - R E S P E K T ! ! ! :-))

    Julian T.