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White openwork chair

White openwork chair

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Comentarios 5

  • Ben Hollander 29/10/2011 10:55

    Bijzondere foto. Goede verhoudingen en compositie
    Lichtval is ook bijzonder.

  • s. sabine krause 29/10/2011 9:49

    a rare ivory-colored coral or sponge, captured in the most removed corner of the great bareer reef ; )) – my first association! and what a great "alienated" view of a chair indeed – it makes a beautiful and original abstract!! greetings, sabine.
  • Kenny Jazz 28/10/2011 22:43

    Very nice structure.... I hope it is connect with a modern architecture :)
  • Enne See 28/10/2011 20:49

    It's not only the abstraction of shapes that's making your photo interesting, it is also the color antithesis between the warm (almost red) light and the cold blue. Simple as that!

    Enne See
  • Mark Billiau. 28/10/2011 20:07

    Very good abstract work !!!
