Wichtige, bunte Verwandte der WG :-)
Psychodelic Cat, born in the year of Czernobyl, on her new adventure against the russian camera-industry. Many years with an favourite music-journalist and urban dj gave her an fantastic feeling for style and culture. Enjoy her colors :-)
We love her, this crazy, little cat.
Torse Tabletop 04/06/2004 22:26
.... ich finde es sehr gelungen...also total schön... psychodelic........ :-))irrer blick.
Tante Rina 04/06/2004 11:54
=)Andre Ansicht 03/06/2004 19:45
miau.ich mags gern... toller effekt, schöne stimmung :)
mein kater sitzt zwar davor, aber scheint nicht sonderlich begeistert. banause.