Wild Life
"Burros", these donkeys are wild, present everywhere in Boa Vista Island. No other wild animals and domesticated ones only goats and tiny cows.
Wild Life
"Burros", these donkeys are wild, present everywhere in Boa Vista Island. No other wild animals and domesticated ones only goats and tiny cows.
Mauro Tomassetti 31/05/2018 9:37
Fine!aorta-besler 31/05/2018 9:17
it has a very fine image depth.Adele D. Oliver 31/05/2018 5:26
fascinating dry and stony landscape and difficult for animalsto find enough to eat ... a nice capture of these burros along
the road !!
warm regards,
redfox-dream-art-photography 30/05/2018 23:34
Very nice composition, point of view, and work!I also love the warm colors!
best wishes, redfox
Vitória Castelo Santos 30/05/2018 23:29
I love burros:-))))))