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Wilde Karde mit Hummelbesuch, Wild teasel, Dipsacus fullonum L.,  blossom with bumble bee

Wilde Karde mit Hummelbesuch, Wild teasel, Dipsacus fullonum L., blossom with bumble bee

2.062 3

Volkmar Brockhaus

Premium (World), Arnsberg

Wilde Karde mit Hummelbesuch, Wild teasel, Dipsacus fullonum L., blossom with bumble bee

Eine Hummel besucht die Wilde Karde und saugt Nektar.
Wild teasel, Dipsacus fullonum L., blossom with bumble bee. The seeds are an important winter food resource for some birds, notably the European goldfinch. Teasels are often grown in gardens and encouraged on some nature reserves to attract them. It is a herbaceous biennial plant (rarely a short-lived perennial plant) growing to 1–2.5 metres (3.3–8.2 ft) tall.

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