The Witch-Hazel is a large shrub or small deciduous tree, native to China, Japan and north America.
It was introduced into European gardens at the end of the 19th century.
At the end of winter bright flowers open all along the bare stems.
A wonderful display and very useful for early foraging insects.
The picture shows a cross breeding between a Chinese and Japanese Witch-Hazel.
Dutch name : Toverhazelaar
German name : Zaubernuss
Latin name : Hamamelis x intermedia (H. mollis x H. japonica)
Anca Silvia B. 06/03/2011 10:12
stunning beauty,Mark,hugs,ancaTeresaM 06/03/2011 8:59
Très délicate et belle vision.Bravo pour cette superbe mise en lumière, Mark.
Bon dimanche & Amitiés,
Irbenika 04/03/2011 19:59
Breathtaking beauty! Fantastic blur +++++Irb
carinart 04/03/2011 18:47
Was bei dir nicht alles lernen kann! Und auf so angenehme Weise!L.G. Karin
Charly Roggow 04/03/2011 11:09
sieht gut aus so angestrahltLG Charly
Mauro Stradotto 03/03/2011 22:51
Molto strano questo fiore,ho sempre sentito parlare dell'hamamelis, ma non l'avevo mai vista!
Buona serata Mark,
Adele D. Oliver 03/03/2011 22:10
What exquisite tiny blossoms they are seen so close up!!! Beautiful image - I especially like this composition and focus work with the unfocused blossom in ghe BG.greetings, Adele
Jan Rillich 03/03/2011 21:25
I see it for the first time - niceAngelika Ritter 03/03/2011 21:16
what a perfect shot..from a wonderfull flower.+++
bw angie
Alfredo Yanez 03/03/2011 20:18
Un macro excelente, muy bien visto, felicitaciones!!!++++++++++++++
Saludos buena luz!*
Deryck 03/03/2011 20:08
This is such a beautiful plant! Stunning open petals. Excellent shot tooDeryck
CsomorLászló 03/03/2011 19:03
Another beautiful hdr work!bw
Heinz Janovsky 03/03/2011 18:55
Sehr exotisch wirkende Blüten. Herrliche Farben.Gruß Heinz
viola d 03/03/2011 18:21
As far as I know it is added to some cosmetics. Lovely detail of this very ornamental plant, ViolaVera M. Shulga 03/03/2011 18:13
Wonderful image! Beautiful yellow!