3.157 4

without a cause I

young rebels

Comentarios 4

  • Alexandra Bogdan 23/11/2006 19:35

    I like genuine rebels. The ones who know what they're rebeling against. I don't like those who want to be seen as rebels, but actually have nothing to say. they're just immitating someone else.
  • Dirk Hofmann 23/11/2006 14:06

    don't worry ... sometimes happens to me as well ... :-)

    so, do you like rebels or are they making you nervous?
  • Alexandra Bogdan 17/11/2006 19:52

    I might have let the fact that I know the subjects are rebels intervine in giving a title to the series.
  • Dirk Hofmann 03/11/2006 10:12

    hm ... i'm doing hard in seeing the rebelion here ...