803 8

Dorothé Straßburger

Premium (World), Krefeld


… in wuppertal …

liebe grüße,



Well there's three version of this story, mine, and yours and then the truth.
And we can put it down to circumstance our childhood then our youth.
Out of sentimental gain I wanted you to feel my pain,
But it came back return to sender.

I read your mind and tried to call,
My tears could fill the Albert hall.
Is this the sound of sweet surrender?

What a shame we never listened.
I told you through the television.
And all that went away was the price we paid.
People spend a life time this way.
Oh what a shame.

So I got busy throwing everybody underneath the bus.
Oh, and with your poster 30 foot high at the back of Toy-R-Us.
I wrote a letter in my mind but the words were so unkind about a man I can't remember.

I don't recall the reasons why.
I must have meant them at the time.
Is this the sound of sweet surrender?

What a shame we never listened.
I told you through the television.
And all that went away was the price we paid.
People spend a life time this way and that's how they stay.

Words come easy when they're true.
Words come easy when they're true.

So I got busy throwing everybody underneath the bus.
Oh, and with your poster 30 foot high at the back of Toy-R-Us.
Now we can put it down to circumstance our childhood then our youth.

What a shame we never listened
I told you through the television
And all that went away was the price we paid
People spend a lifetime this way
And that’s how they stay
Oh what a shame.
People spend a lifetime this way
Oh what a shame
Such a shame, what a shame

robbie williams und gary barlow

Comentarios 8

  • Dorothe 15/10/2010 17:33

    besonderer "Worte" bedarf es wohl nicht dieses Foto, einfach toll
    LG Dorothe
  • Waldi W. 15/10/2010 16:47

    die knallebunten Farben kann ich heute gut brauchen, danke
    schönes WE dir und lg waldi
  • Heiko 99 15/10/2010 15:31

    Das knallt!
    Klasse Aufnahme.

    LG, Heiko
  • Cleo Matis 15/10/2010 12:33

    Ganz wundervoll und spannend mit den kräftigen Farben und der Aussage, die (leider) häufig so wahr ist: wir hören anderen nur selten wirklich zu und häufig leider auch nur das, was wir hören wollen.
    LG Cleo
  • Brigitte Rosenbach 15/10/2010 10:07

    Du beweist immer wieder einen sehr guten Blick für Farben und Formen. Den Blau/Grün-Kontrast mit der kleinen Prise Rot find ich sehr wirkungsvoll. Und gut die Perspektive!
    LG Brigitte
  • Günter Block 15/10/2010 8:37

    ja...warum nicht mal näher rangehen...toll was du mit deinen außergewöhnlichen sichtweisen so zeigst.
    lg günter
  • Moreinput 15/10/2010 8:29

    Starke Farben! LG, Andreas :-)
  • dee da 15/10/2010 7:44

    .......eins der bilder, um die ich dich immer wieder beneide. das motiv, der blickwinkel, die farbigkeit....
    und auch der unterlegte text geben eine unschlagbare einheit....