3.448 8

Jody Larimer

Free Account, Olching (near Munich)

Comentarios 8

  • Marko König 07/07/2008 20:07

    Gefällt mir sehr gut. Das Licht passt prima - dadurch leuchten die Farben, der Schärfenverlauf ist dir gut gelungen und die Bewegungsunschärfe des Rüssels kommt gut.
    Viele Grüße,
  • Ilidio Fernandes 03/07/2008 0:57

    I like them all .... great colours in this one too.
  • Snežana 02/07/2008 18:13

    Lovely butterfly and wonderfull combination of colors! I suppose you couldn't decide which one to choose and than showed them both - I can understand why - I like them both too :) Maybe i would choose this one because it has more sharpness...
  • archiek 01/07/2008 21:29

    Sipping through that proboscis like a boy with a root beer on a hot summer day! Love the colors, lighting, and composition. Well done! -archie
  • Fons van Swaal 01/07/2008 21:04

    Beautiful capture of this yellow butterfly....
  • Ludek Sagi Lukac 01/07/2008 20:53

    Sagi :-)
  • Keyla Juliana 01/07/2008 18:08

    Very beautiful composition and butterfly! The wings looks like leafs..
  • Canan Oner 01/07/2008 17:39

    Wonderful details and a lovely composition...Love between the the flower and the butterfly :))