Zagorochoria villages
Region of Epirus
Zachorochoria villages(for more information please refer to the previous photos i the series)
Born.genuinely bred and aged in the highest slopes of Pindos mountains, a shepherd from a zagorian village still defies all sort of contemporary facilities and keeps going on tracks credited by his ancestors...
Put him face to face to the best greek island seashore and he will turn his chair towards the mountains....
Cameraqueen 30/09/2019 12:12
Great portrait of this old man, shaped by his native soil. How could he like the sea?Kind regards,
Felix Pastor 16/09/2019 14:29
Impressive portrait of the shepherd!Friendly, Felix
Carlo.Pollaci 01/09/2019 16:27
Splendido ritratto in un paesaggio intriso di atmosfera. ceulaer 28/08/2019 15:08
wonderful portrait of this shepherdbr
ann mari cris aschieri 28/08/2019 12:12
A handsome old-fashioned shepherd looking after his flock as it was even 1000 years ago.Nice to see
CIAo dear Alexander!
J Oscar Sierra Echo 28/08/2019 10:38
Fine portrait, nice landscape.