Zhazidong - Kniequetsche - Folterkammer
Prior to serving as a concentration camp, Zhazidong was used as a coal mine. Covertly converted to a prison, Zhazidong held over three hundred prisoners; sixteen barracks for men and two barracks for women. During the November executions, prisoners were misled into thinking that they were being transported out of the prison. When the cell doors were opened, the occupants were shot by guards with machine guns. Surviving prisoners were then shot in the head. Around 15 prisoners managed to escape through a section of wall to cross a courtyard.[2] Jiang Zhuyun was among the few to escape the prison. She was portrayed in the opera Sister Jiang.
Text: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baigongguan_and_Zhazidong
homwico 31/10/2018 18:21
Gruselig. Schlimm wozu Menschen fähig sind. Und das leider egal wo immer auf der Welt.Da ist eine Exekution,so sarkastisch dies klingen mag, noch fast human dagegen.LG homwico