
Free Account, Brno

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Comentarios 9

  • alexf93_photos 05/07/2022 12:14

    Hello Friend's Fotocommunity Thank you..
  • Isabel Oriolo 08/07/2021 19:41

    Hallo Alex, thank you for your invitation.
    I'm waiting your photos. :-)
  • Dragomir Vukovic 04/03/2021 21:51

    Creative Welcome to you Alex !!!
  • chwi1616 03/03/2021 18:54

    Welcome Alex! Hope you have fun in this fotocommunity.
  • Dundee Photographics 03/03/2021 18:37

    Alex Welcome to photography world in fotocommunity,
  • sawsengee 03/03/2021 6:25

    Welcome Alex to the photography world of fotocommunity, hope your photo journey is wonderful, creative and fulfilling.
  • ARDIAN PASKALI 02/03/2021 21:53

    Welcome Alex! Enjoy the journey in photography path.
  • Berthold Klammer 02/03/2021 20:52

    Dear Alex, welcome to the fotocommunity! Photography is all about seeing the world with your eyes in a different way - and capturing this view. regards Berthold
  • Gary Thaxton 02/03/2021 19:22

    Thank you very much for the invitation, I except and welcome to Fotocommunity.
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  • Fotógrafo (Principiante)
  • Le interesa la fotografía