Annamare Wisard

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Sobre mi

Well I am 20 years old and I am a film major in college. I'm only but a junior so I made change my major to some other concentration in art - of cour film/photography are my favorites so....anyhow I basically take pictures of myself - what can I say - I got posing down to a T - - People always have me take pictures of them but - I'd like that better if I didn't have to take the picture the way "They" wanted. At any rate - I'm very passionate. I have crappy equipment but you know what? I don't mind. I have gotten use to my video camera and digital camera. They may be cheap and or ancient but I make the best of them. I think it really takes a true photographer to be able to work with nothing as well as the best of everything --- - - Just like college - 2D design class makes you start using ur own hands to create --- Yes, we have computers but - what would the art world become if it was all based on digital accessability? haha I am rambling - so that's about all I am saying on here for now..........

Comentarios 6

  • Jaime Crystal Attenborough 13/11/2006 5:20

    i was just going through my photo and noticed this beautiful comment by you Anna, thankyou so much for that :0)
    you still here with us?

    Jaime :0)
  • Kinga Duchnowska 11/01/2006 10:51

    Thank you for your kind comment on my pic
    best rgrds!
  • Jaime Crystal Attenborough 11/01/2006 6:16

    welcome to FC, if you do need any help with anything. dont hesitate to ask.
    hope to see more of your work as you get better in this community.
  • Peter Kis kalóz 09/01/2006 12:33

    Thank You Annamara for your nice comment!
    I agree with you. Best wishes, Peter
  • When 07/01/2006 20:56

    Hey and Hello,
    Welcome to FC, the darnedest, knock-out , drag out place. We have a lot of fun here, hope you join in. If you need any help learning how to get around feel free to leave me a message and I'll do my best to help you. See you 'round.
  • Dirk Hofmann 07/01/2006 18:17

    Hi Annamare!

    Welcome to! This community is a place to show, discuss and learn about photography and you will meet people from all over the world which share your hobby. The spirit of Fotocommunity is to share knowledge, inspiration and thoughts as a team. Everyone can participate and everyone will share his experiences. So don't be shy and ask every photographer or a member of the administration ([fc-info:The_fotocommunity.com_Team]) if you have any questions.
    Of course I'd be glad to answer your questions too!

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