Crystal Arnold

Free Account, Chester

Sobre mi

I love photography and dream of some day becoming a professional. I started Photography in high school as a way to remember all of the trips that I went on with drama ministry. I love to travel and this past year I went to Peru on a missions trip.

Comentarios 2

  • felidae. 20/07/2008 9:22

    Welcome to the
    We`re glad that you`ve found this place to share your passion for photography.

    For further help you can have a look at the following links :

    For online help, just look here:

    If there is still anything else you want to know, don´t hesitate to write us.

    Enjoy the fotocommunity! :-) :-) :-)

    Grit Siwonia, Youth channel manager
  • Andreas Boeckh 20/07/2008 7:47

    Welcome to the fc. I wish you lots of good pictures (your start has been very promising), and lots of fun in this slightly crazy community.
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