Free Account, PANTIN

Sobre mi

mes photos vont de l'abstraction pure et dure, aux reflets purs et simples mais le graphisme a davantage ma preference

Comentarios 2

  • Denis BOUTILLOT-CAUQUIL 15/06/2007 21:34

    je fais de la photo depuis 1973. Je fais des expos, des couvs de livres d'ecrivains et je possede un blog photos;
  • Dirk Hofmann 16/08/2006 9:32

    Welcome to!

    Good to see you found this place, where professionals, amateurs and rookies meet to share their views of photography, show and discuss each others work.
    I hope you'll find the things you were looking for when you joined and have the same fun I have since I became a member.
    Don't hesitate to ask me or any other member of the team if you have any questions!

    When I thought about making it easier for new members to join our community, I had the idea to write a short tutorial which might help. You can find it here:

    You might also want to gather some information in our online-help. There you can learn about the different features of fotocommunity.
    To get there click here:

    fotocommunity - share your passion!

    Best regards
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