Heda Kabesh

Free Account, PRAGUE

Sobre mi

Wellcome in my profile !! Vítejte :o)
I am form Prague. I study university of art and advertisement - photography.

My website :www.heda-kabesova.wbs.cz

Comentarios 7

  • hvd photography 19/07/2006 11:43

    I've just been on your web site.

    Wow!!! Very impressive, very contemporary.

    I am very interessted to see more....

  • Pascal Viyer 11/04/2006 13:44

    Hi Heda
    You learn rapidly and you work very fine.
    Greetings from France
  • Heda Kabesh 11/04/2006 8:32

    thanks All !!!

    I like that I am on this website.
    There are very good photography. This is perfect website for US :o)))
    I'll look forward to it
  • Abdul Khaliq 10/04/2006 23:56

    Hello Heda,
    Thanks for your kind comment on my picture.
    A very warm welcome to FC, your work is really amazing, keep them comming up.

  • Martin Unger 10/04/2006 21:46

    Hello Heda,
    welcome to the fotocommunity!

    It's a great place to show your pictures, discuss them and share knowledge with colleagues, both amateur and professionals. I'm sure you will enjoy it!

    If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me or one of my colleagues from the team http://www.fotocommunity.com/info/The_fotocommunity.com_Team

    A lot of information you can also find in our online help http://www.fotocommunity.com/info/Help

    Greetings from Norway
  • Wilhelm Harlander 10/04/2006 20:55

    Servus Heda,

    ........viele Grüße aus Old Germany - Munich City.

  • hvd photography 10/04/2006 20:53

    Looks like I am the first one to post an entry here. So, a warm welcome and I am looking forward to see some of your pictures.

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