Herbert Perez Aguilar

Free Account, Mexico City

Sobre mi

Hello everybody,
I discovered photography some years ago and found a way to preserve unique moments and details that will never repeat in life time.
I like shooting almost everything: portrait, landscapes, sports......
I hope my photos will be good enough to receive a lot of comments, if not a lot of advices and criticism from you people.
See you next time......

Comentarios 1

  • Tom MacDonald 27/08/2008 19:44

    Into the light
    Into the light
    Tom MacDonald

    Hi Herbert, Glad you like the shot.
    The shot was taken quite early in the morning whilst the sun was still low and raking. By shooting into the light you can get a nice starburst effect seen in the middle of the shot. Also metering so the figure was in silluette gave the shot it's atmosphere.
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