irina island images

Free Account, New York

Sobre mi

" Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving.
What you have caught in on film is captured forever...
It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything."
        Aaron Siskind (1903-1991)

Comentarios 3

  • fotografina jbe 08/07/2015 8:27

    Hi Irina
    You really make great photos!

    Regards Janine
  • RAJU04 06/07/2015 16:38

    Hallo Irina,

    da war doch mein erster Gedanke gar nicht so das wird doch wohl nicht...*lach*.

    Na denn....see you in December...ja, natürlich gibt es auch in diesem Jahr wieder Weihnachten in New York, und dann das 11. Mal seit 2005. :-)

    Sonnige Grüße aus der Stadt der Rosen und einen schönen und hoffentlich nicht so heißen Sommer - wir hatte hier gerade ein mega-heißes Wochenende. :-(

  • Mauro Tomassetti 05/07/2015 21:54

    Hello, Irina
    and welcome to!

    You will soon appreciate how useful and enjoyable it is when you share your pictures and impressions.
    To start your activities, I suggest you leaving comments under other users pics and interact with them. Your opinions are very important!
    Your first friends, as well as new inspirations, are awaiting you.

    Good light from

    Mauro Tomassetti
    Admin Team
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