Irina Zartova

Free Account, Stockholm

Sobre mi

Well,to start with I always feel clueless of what to write in such boxes named "Profile description"...On the right hand side there are some questions that are supposed to help me."What made you start taking photos?" Hmm,I never thought about this one.Photography has been a part of my life ever since I could remember myself.My father was a keen amateur photographer and he even had his own lab in our house.So I spent quite many weekends developing black and white photos.After this the color came and it was diffciult to continue developing photos at home.But I did continue making pictures :) Nowadays I am used to see the world around me through the point of view of the viewfinder of my camera.Rather odd angle,isn't it?
If after reading this paragraph you think that I am in the professional photography-forget it.I am currently doing a Ph.D. in nuclear physics but photography remains my major hobby.
Some of my favorite photographic themes are landscapes,places that I had visited,close-ups of animals and plants.I am afraid of making portraits even though I feel curious.I am always afraid people will mind my taking photos of them.And I am shy enough myself to be afarid to ask for a permition.
I am using Canon 300V with the original 28-90mm lens.I like the effects of a polarizer and at present I am using circular polarizer F-pro.
P.S. One more thing...Unfortunately my German is nonexistent so I would appreciate very much if you write to me either in English,Swedish,French or Russian :)

Comentarios 1

  • Dirk Hofmann 24/06/2006 2:29

    Hi Irina!

    Welcome to! Good to see you found this place, where professionals, amateurs and rookies meet to share there views of photography, show and discuss each others work.
    I hope you will find the things you were looking for when you joined and have the same fun I have since I became a member.
    Don't hesitate to ask me or any other member of the team if you have any questions!

    When I thought about making it easier for new members to join our community I had the idea to write a short tutorial which might help. You can find it here:

    You might also want to gather some information in our online-help. There you can learn about the different features of fotocommunity.
    To get there click here:

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