Janis Eglitis

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Comentarios 7

  • TinTonks Tin 21/09/2006 13:46

    beautiful portraits
    keep on!!
  • Mareyli Soto 20/06/2006 20:51

    this commnet is late thanks for your comments at photo i really like your work
  • Zsuzsanna Gácsi 23/05/2006 19:53

    Hi Janis,
    I like your style and curious to see your future works.
  • Ida M. 05/04/2006 23:11

    Compliment for yours photos......hi,ida.
  • Rob Wells 18/06/2005 10:32

    You have a wonderful set of photographs here, Janis.

    I'll look forward to seeing more.

    Take it easy. Rob.
  • Julien Salut 12/03/2005 13:55

    thank you janis for your comment
  • Elaine Liebenbaum 06/02/2005 9:29

    Hello Janis
    let me be the first to welcome you here at the fotocommunity. Im very interested to see what life is like in you part of the world
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