Mis fotos destacadas
Sobre mi
In the year 1960 I was born in a small village called Roggiano Gravina, CS, Italy. Since my very first years I was passionated about my surrounding nature and especially the birds. With 18 years I moved to Switzerland, where my passion for the photography was grounded. The nature photography has become my focus during the years and I had the opportunity to travel across different countries to develop my knowledge about the birds in the wildlife, especially Eagles. I founded Digital Store, that was providing photographers with the right equipment. Currently I am acting as an official Canon Pro Partner and organizing photo tours such as workshops in different countries, with the main focus on wildlife birds photography. Please feel free to go through my photo galleries to gain an impression about my passion and my living.
JesusBiker 23/12/2018 19:25
Wünsche schöne Feiertage und einen Guten Wechsel ins 2019 Grüsse aus dem AargauMarkus Hülsbusch - Sportfotografie 20/12/2014 14:48
Hallo Luigi,ich war mal auf Deiner Webseite (eaglephototours.com) - atemberaubende Bilder - vor allem die Bilder aus Norwegen. Auch hier auf der Seite zeigst Du grandiose Photos. Ich habe Dich mal auf orange gesetzt, dann kriege ich noch mehr zu sehen ;-)
Christian M- 11/09/2013 22:00
Tolles Portfolio!Dieter Fürrutter 10/09/2013 22:41
Luigi,ich gratuliere dir zu deinen FANTASTISCHEN Greif-Bildern!
Bin begeistert.
SG aus Tirol
Viktor Davare 03/11/2012 16:13
Luigi you inspire me everyday thank you for thatGianfranco Recchia 27/09/2011 11:03
Ho fatto un giro tra le tue foto e le ho trovate incredibilmente belle. Ho apprezzato soprattutto quelle 'di volo', decisamente più rare e difficili di quelle 'statiche.Complimenti.
Carmine Arienzo 27/09/2011 8:05
Ti ringrazio per l'inaspettata e graditissima proposta in galleria.Ciao
Carmine Arienzo 27/09/2011 8:00
Ti ringrazio di cuore.Ciao
Adriano Morettin 26/09/2011 18:14
Grazie per il commento molto azzeccato.Un cordiale saluto.
Marco Giustiniani 26/09/2011 13:54
Grazie Luigi!!!Adriano Morettin 25/09/2011 10:29
Grazie mille Luigi per le gentili parole e sinceri complimenti per le tue foto meravigliose. Ti mando questo mio ultimo lavoro per un tuo commento.Buona domenica.
Leonardo F. 22/09/2011 20:16
Grazie ancora Luigi !Leonardo F. 22/09/2011 20:10
Grazie Luigi !Un salutone, Leonardo :-)
Carmine Arienzo 10/06/2011 8:49
Grazie di cuore.Ciao
Nello Alberti 23/05/2011 14:24
Grazie Mille Luigi !! ciao Nello