M Kuffa

Free Account, Ceský Tesin

Sobre mi

Motto: Photography for me is escape from reality or return to reality. Depends on the day...


I am 33 years old and I work in prepress departament in a printing house. I am quite new in a photography world despite the fact I am against the others a bit old. Hope not. Currently I posses Canon 30d with 50mm lens II 1.8l II, 100 mm 2.8 macro lens and 10-22mm wide ange lens which covers basics for my needs. I am looking for brand new 70-200 mm lens by Canon very soon. As you can see I am Cannon fan, but it doesnt matter which mark you rule, it is about the person behind the camera. I cant say I like only that kind of snaps or thing like that as I enjoy photography generally. I hope we see each other out there and you will like my photos a bit. Remember, even negative reaction is a feeling...


Comentarios 4

  • DRAGA PUC 06/10/2008 19:09

    I see you are ratrher new here,. Wish you a warm welcome and lot of fun!!! Enjoy in our company!
    kind regards
  • Laura Caserio 30/09/2008 14:57

    Thanks for your comment
    and welcome to FC
  • weggi 26/09/2008 0:10

    thanks a lot for your nice words to this:
    i hope to see more from you, the one is good!

    much greetings, weggi
  • Tor-Henrik Furmyr 26/09/2008 0:04

    Hi there M Kuffa, welcome to the fotocommunity! :-)
    The idea of fotocommunity is to give beginners, amateurs and professionals a place to share their passion for photography.
    You can view and comment the work of others, you can upload your own work to share it and get comments from other people around the world, and you can discuss or ask about anything you might want to know about our common interests.

    At this address you can find a tutorial for new members, and I recommend you take a look at it. It helped me a lot when I joined:

    You can also get lots of information in our online-help. In there you can learn about the different features of fotocommunity.
    To get there click on this link:

    If there’s anything else you want to know, don't hesitate to ask me or any other member of the team if you have any questions!

    Well, see you out there :-)
    Totto (Tor-Henrik Furmyr)
    Channelmanager Nature
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