Michael TL Pace-Sigge

Free Account, Liverpool

Sobre mi

Michael Pace-Sigge is German-born and Liverpool-based. Without ever having ever received formal arts or photography training, passion for the picture made him a self-trained semi-professional. He has been highly commended for his powers of observation.

These have been, so far, been concentrated on the way people use language to communicate (or deny communication!) and, consequently, he has pursued studies in language to gain his Masters degree – and now he works on his PhD. (See English Language Research).

After some tinkering and much positive feedback from friends & artists, Michael finally decided to give access to his pictures to a wider public after artists. This was in 2003, when Liverpool’s Domino Gallery ,Upper Newington, offered the first chance to exhibit his work. The first enthusiasts were quickly found, and pictures did what Michael had not expected so soon – they sold! The owner consequently persuaded him to try his hand at creating and selling postcards – a limited series of two designs has been printed and sold every year since.

Since then, work has been on display at the Village Gallery (Heswall, Wirral) and further exhibitions have taken place in the Philharmonic Hall ; Senate House, University of Liverpool ; Everyman Bistro (a dot.art exhibition), the Unity Theatre and in the Merseyside Maritime Museum.

Michael has also been commissioned for a variety of projects: an CD album cover for the classical trio PHILION; a postcard for Liverpool University Corporate Services and, forthcoming, photos of the Liverpool Anglican Cathedral Organ.

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