Radim Spitzer

Free Account, Sydney

Sobre mi

Hi everyone. Let me tell you something about me.
I was born in Czech Republic at 1979. So now I am 27 years old. I have successfuly finished my studies at MEchanical enginnering univerisity. DUring my studies we traveled a lot (Scotland, France, England, Italy, USA (stayed there for nearly 2 years) and many more). Its was a shame for me, because during those trips and stays I wasn't interesting into digital photography at all.
After we finished studies, we just decided with my wife to not settle yet, and we simply bought a travel tickets and flew to Australia. It was the best thing what could happend to us. WE just love to be here!!!
We have been here bit more than one year, and I have started with digital photography 8 months ago. It was the time, when I bought my EOS350D... :o) So I am still learning and probably I will yet be learning for a long time.... :o) SO that's why I appreciate every comment what I receive from all of you. Even if its more critical, because only that tells me how to capture the next shots even better!! My favourite themes are nature (prefer landscapes), animals and travel photography.

I also love to play basketball. I have played on profesional level in my country of origin, but in Australia I have got no time for that any more.. :o( I still play for the team, but I have got different priorities right now, one of them is
PHOTOGRAPY, which just simply grabbed me and amazed me. My lovely wife is fully supporting me as well, and that is the most important thing..... :o)))

My Equipment:
Canon EOS 350D XT Rebel
Canon EF 17-40mm L f/4
Canon EF 55-200mm f/4.5-5.6
Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 MK II

Filters: LEE Grad set (soft) 0.3,0.6,0.9
LEE 85C Warming filter
Lee Foundation filter holder

Filters: Set of Cokins (ND4, P121, P123)
CPL Hoya 77mm & 52mm
UV Canon Haze (sharp cut) 77mm
stativ Manfrotto.

Some of my work. Many thanks to you guys for all your votes and beautiful comments under those shots. I am glad you liked them.
~ The stone waves ~
~ The stone waves ~
Radim Spitzer

~ The Wooden reptile ~
~ The Wooden reptile ~
Radim Spitzer

~ Dunes ~
~ Dunes ~
Radim Spitzer

~ Ocean on Mars ~
~ Ocean on Mars ~
Radim Spitzer

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