Mis fotos destacadas
Sobre mi
I am a 34 year old self-taught exhibited photographer residing in Sacramento, California. My first attempts at photography started at about the age of twenty four years ago at the age of ten shooting anything I found interesting from flowers to people to inanimate objects with an old Kodak Brownie I purchased for two dollars at a garage sale. In 2001 I began to do photography on a more professional level shooting models for fashion, glamour, the occassional wedding. However, my passion has always lied in the more artistic side of photography, which has led to several local showings of my prints. Outside of the usual nude art photography I like to photograph objects in ways that get people to see them in a completely different way. I have many more photography projects in mind for the future. Some will be short series of photographs. Some will be on-going projects. I also plan on self publishing a series of books of my art photography starting later this year. I have been asked by many what my focus is for my art photography. This is something that, to me, is difficult to answer due to the fact that I photograph what I like and I like so many subjects.The only true focus in my art photography is to provoke thought, get people talking, and to hopefully inspire creativity in others. Over the last 5 years I have experimented with alternative printing processes. I have considered editioning my prints or perhaps only edition a select few. However, due to my printing and editing techniques mimmicking traditional darkroom techniques, my prints are all one of a kinds.As apposed to most photographers who make and edit one image and make all prints from that single image so that they are all identical.
Danny W. Wilson 10/05/2006 3:59
Welcome to the FC!Der Zacki 23/04/2006 12:18
Hello Ray,Welcome the the fotocommunity.com
The spirit of Fotocommunity is to share knowledge, inspiration and thoughts as a team. Everyone can participate and everyone will share his experiences.
So I hope you will enjoy it and if you have further
questions don't hesitate to contact anybody from the support team.
Our info system is up right now but it is growing permanent:
cheers Peter
Channelmanager Nature