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Sobre mi
Address:Flat No B 104, Al Nasr New building, Oud Metha Road, Dubai, UEA.
Mobile Number:+971-50-7198473 (UAE)
E – Mail: rusdiabubakar@gmail.com
Age:26 Years
Date of Birth: 26th November 1981
Gender: Male
Residential Status: Dubai, UAE
Address:Flat No B 104, Al Nasr New building, Oud Metha Road, Dubai, UEA.
Mobile Number:+971-50-7198473 (UAE)
E – Mail: rusdiabubakar@gmail.com
Age:26 Years
Date of Birth: 26th November 1981
Gender: Male
Residential Status: Dubai, UAE
Victorious 13/12/2008 15:15
Aslamoalaikum,Great Work.
Wish to meet u in Dubai.
My contact: 050- 8651492
Muhammad Sift Elahi Sundhu
robert maschke 13/12/2008 11:11
thanks for your comment ;)C.Click 12/12/2008 8:12
Thank for you comment ...pleasurePlüschprum 11/12/2008 20:51
Hi Rusdi Abu Bakar,i do not know if you did understand the title.
It means "the angels are making cookies", so thst's what my mum said to me:O)
LG Plüschprum
Dobringer Günther 09/12/2008 18:42
Thanks :)lg günther
Laurina08 08/12/2008 22:55
Hi there, you are absolutely right about it being better in b/w..in fact I have presented it in another forum as such..should do so here as well -thanks for your feedback!! am now going to view your photos :)Alessandro A. 08/12/2008 0:14
Thanks :)Hazreen 25/05/2008 10:15
klu dtg Putrajaya, jgn lupe amik kat masjid & jambatan..
Hazreen 25/05/2008 10:06
pic ni time kat Impian Morib Hotel
Hazreen 25/05/2008 9:41
thanks for comment tapi angle tak cantik la..
Hazreen 25/05/2008 9:38
Saudara Rusdi, terima kasih yaa.. ^_^
aw masry 19/03/2008 18:49
Thanks komment-nya.Ini saya coba buat versi BW-nya.
Salam hangat
Francesco Torrisi 07/03/2008 9:23
Thanks Rusdi for your vistit.Have a nice time.
Francesco Margarita 08/12/2007 8:37
Marry Christmas and a good New Year 2008 ********
Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo 2008
francesco margarita
Perry Blevins 17/11/2007 20:56
Thank you for your comment onIt's much appreciated.