Sachin Pangaonkar

Free Account, Ingolstadt

Sobre mi
Its the every burning desire to capture the right moment ..
I started off more by chance .. the curiosity sucked me in, I realized the potential of observing every small event that it worth a time capture ..

I was born and brought up in India , In the southern state of Karnataka.
Fortunately I had the gift of studying in English (Thanx to my parents) I finished college and started working , after a period of 6 years I got a break and moved into Germany.
I should say this was the highlight .. I realized the potential of living in an new culture and country. I went flat out exploring the world and grasping every event that passed my eye. ..

I guess that is when i realized that life is all around me I only had to look ..
"I now believe you will get what you look for" all you need is to keep your eyes open.
Hope you enjoy seeing my eventful world thro' FC....

My themes are usually based on some abstract photography , I try to present every day objects with a different perspective .. I hope you enjoy them.

I would be glad to read your comment and suggestions .
I tried to take pic with my father canon (the film type cameras ) it was expensive.
The next best choice was a 350 D , and i am extremly pleased with its performance .. I hope to add some lenses.

My arsenal..
: Canon 350 D
: Canon 18 - 55 ( F 3.5 - 5.6 ) EF-S
: Canon 55 - 200 ( F 4.5 - 5.6 ) EF-USM II
: Canon 50 mm ( F 1.8 ) EF
: Canon EOS 88
: Canon 35 - 80 ( F 4 -5.6 ) EF - III
: UV Filters on all

I had a Sony DSC P8. Was happy with it until i realised the limitations of a mini camera ..

Happy shooting .. sounds morbid !!

Cheers and keep smiling ..

Sachin Pangaonkar

Comentarios 48

  • Stefan S. Mosley 22/12/2008 12:35

  • Vanessa Halvorsen 01/07/2008 19:39

    Thanks for your comment at "Raindrops"! Well, I haven't try to make it sharper, but i'm agree that I could have tried to make it softer:-)
  • Quantxx 04/11/2007 19:05

    I love India, Sachin
  • Seagaul 02/06/2007 8:47

    Great pics you have. I came on your page by your comment on the "holy bath". Compliments - turned you to orange, if you don´t mind
  • Zahangir Kabir 11/04/2007 7:35

    hi sachin
    you have a beautiful portfolio. i like it.
    dancing girls
    dancing girls
    Zahangir Kabir
  • Maxim Van den Bossche 20/01/2007 19:35

    thanks for the friendly and helpful comments Sachin
    i wish you the best for the new year and lotsa interesting shots!

    maximus from brussels
  • Anoop C 16/01/2007 5:51

    Thanks for the comments......Ladakh Palace is around 10km from Leh, the capital of Ladakh..Getting to Ladakh is not at all difficult as there are flight services from Delhi every day. best season to go is between june and september. need more information?, send me mail..'m very happy to help you
  • Maria João Arcanjo 13/01/2007 11:00

    Thank you so much for your contribution for the little star in my image,
  • Idan Abudi 12/01/2007 19:53

    Thanks, I know that the quality is a bit low- I'm gonna shoot it again

  • Renato T. 08/01/2007 15:32

    Halo Sachin
    Danke für Deine netten Anmerkungen worüber ich mich sehr gefreut habe.Auch ein Kompliment für Deine schönen Aufnahmen!
    Renato T.
  • Joseph Froncioni 07/01/2007 2:50

    Thank-you Sachin. Very kind ofn you.
  • Anoop C 04/01/2007 9:40

    Hi Sachin
    Thanks for the comment....Happy Clicking
    Greetings from Bangalore....
  • Luc Grollie 23/12/2006 20:31

    Hi Sachin,
    thanx for the nice comments on my pics, as you noticed naturepics are my drive......
    greetz from Belgium,
  • Idan Abudi 22/12/2006 16:30

    Thank you

    The chain on the model's foot is still there even at this very moment.
    I'ld love any suggestions and critics.

  • Zenonas 17/12/2006 12:14

    Thank you for your comment. Good luck for you in photography!
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