Sasha Stojanovic

Free Account, Leskovac

Sobre mi

i like photography...

Comentarios 3

  • judith Dunn 24/04/2009 16:17

    judith Dunn

    Sasha..... sharing this with you... one of my favorites I have ever taken... Judt PS KEEP ON SHOOTING... 'GET OUT THERE'!
  • Patrick B. Parenteau 13/04/2006 18:41

    Hi Sasha,
    As you know, I put your image up for the gallery vote because I think it has merit. But please, don't take any comments personally and please don't be disappointed if it doesn't make it. I fear that I have thrown you into the " lion's den" so to speak. The voting process can be very tough. However, when the voting is complete, if you take the time to thank the participants for their input and their time, you will be speaking to the so called "who's who" of FC which will draw future attention to your work.
    Warm regards. Patrick
  • Patrick B. Parenteau 11/04/2006 23:43

    Hi Sasha,
    I am so glad that I found your first uploads. What a professional range of styles and techniques. I see that you keep asking for comments on your images. One of the main reasons I joined FC was to learn more about photography and to get feedback, both positive and negative about my work. The best way to make this happen is to go into the postings and make comments to other people. You will be surprised at the feed back. I only wish we knew more about you, so when you get a chance please fill in your profile. If you need answers to any questions, select TEXT FORUMS from the title bar. All the best from Canada. Patrick
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