Solaf Hemdan

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Sobre mi

I have been photographing almost my whole life since I was 7 years old, am now 21 and I study at a dentistry school, yet that never stopped me from taking pictures.
I could just go on taking photos and lose conscious towards the surrounding world. It's amazing how you become so merged into taking pictures that you see things that others don't see. photographing to me is a way of mine of saving every beautiful moment in my life forever. And I look forward to learn more about it and show others the things I see. In other words I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY.

Comentarios 2

  • Adele D. Oliver 22/09/2014 5:07

    Hello and a warm welcome to our big international and crazy world of photography at I hope you will enjoy posting your photos and seeing the images of other members. I wish you fun and lots of interaction with others !!!
    greetings from Vancouver, Canada ....
  • staufner photography 16/09/2014 22:28

    Welcome to the FC!
    I wish you much fun here.

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  • Fotógrafo (Principiante)
  • Le interesa la fotografía