Comentarios 6

  • Surinder Singh 06/01/2012 7:39

    Hi, Greeting from India...
  • unshakeablefaith 16/07/2011 3:30

  • Menny G. 10/06/2011 7:43

    Willkommen in der verrückten Welt der FC
    Nun bist du einer von 800.000 der sich mit uns über Fotos austauscht,Kontakte knüpft und sich zu den schönen User Treffen gesellt.

    Ich wünsche dir allzeit gutes Licht und ein kreatives Auge für die schönsten motive
    LG Menny.G
  • Adele D. Oliver 09/06/2011 20:02

    and welcome to our big family !!!! I am glad you found your way to Fotocommunity and I am sure you will enjoy showing us your images and looking at photos of other photographers. I wish you much fun and many new friends!!!
    greetings, Adele

  • Chip Johansen 09/06/2011 18:42

    Welcome to Fotocommunity. Please post some of your photos, we would love to see them!
  • unshakeablefaith 09/06/2011 17:38

    Hello everyone! I'm new here. I would greatly appreciate comments and advises for my photos. Thank you!

    By the way, all the photos I've seen were all great! :) Excellent photographers!
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