YVE - Yvonne Muentener

Free Account, Cannes

Sobre mi

Welcome - and thank you for your interest!

I'm born in East-Switzerland - where I also grew up. Due work in journalism I started to use the camera. It wasn't digital by then. Around that time I also loved to do designs for music events, brochures, CD-booklets for bands and other advertisings with photographs.

1998 I received the diploma acupuncturist / herbalist SBO-TCM.

The gentle needling and the passion for travelling especially on the sea brought me some years ago into the yachting business. This made me living now close to the harbours in the South of France. That's why a lot of my pictures are about sailing, ships and the sea.

Here in France, during race events, yacht-shows and exhibitions through the artistic platform on the Côte d'Azur I found an other opportunity to present my work.

Well, I hope you enjoy my pictures.

All the best and good health wishes you

Yve - Yvonne Müntener

Comentarios 1

  • Tor-Henrik Furmyr 17/03/2008 0:12

    Hi there YVE, welcome to the fotocommunity! :-)
    The idea of fotocommunity is to give beginners, amateurs and professionals a place to share their passion for photography.
    You can view and comment the work of others, you can upload your own work to share it and get comments from other people around the world, and you can discuss or ask about anything you might want to know about our common interests.

    One of the admins, Dirk Hofmann, wrote a tutorial for new members, and I recommend you take a look at it. It helped me a lot when I joined:

    You can also get lots of information in our online-help. In there you can learn about the different features of fotocommunity.
    To get there click on this link:

    If there’s anything else you want to know, don't hesitate to ask me or any other member of the team if you have any questions!

    Well, see you out there :-)
    Totto (Tor-Henrik Furmyr)
    Channelmanager Nature
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