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I want every cat to have it's very own home.
Please share cats for adoption in your area so we can find them all a forever home. Go to the link below and it will take you to PetSmart Charities. Put in your zip code and you will be able to view and share the cats available in your area. Share them with your friends and family and hopefully they all will find their forever homes.
Share Cats, Kittens, and Feline with a purpose
Share Cats, Kittens, and Feline with a purpose
Abdul Khaliq 18/06/2007 8:23
Welcome to fotocommunity.comSHARE YOUR PASSION
The spirit of Fotocommunity is to share knowledge, inspiration and thoughts as a team. Everyone can participate and everyone will share his experiences. So I hope you will enjoy it and if you have further questions don't hesitate to contact anybody from the support team.
Our info system is up right now but it is growing permanent:
Abdul – Channelmanager for Subjects