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As the sun goes down, jellyfish emerge from the bottom

As the sun goes down, jellyfish emerge from the bottom

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As the sun goes down, jellyfish emerge from the bottom

As the sun goes down, jellyfish emerge from the bottom to take up each gap of space in the sky and every step of the way. Birds avoid them - even we do; when we encounter them, we become hasty, avoiding to look at them. Because even one single contact with their beautifully iridescent bodies could turn our blood into sand forever: that is what we've been told and what we'll tell our children and the children of our children.

Al caer el sol, las Medusas emergen del fondo para ocupar cada hueco en el cielo y cada esquina del camino. Los pájaros las evitan, y nosotros mismos, al encontrarlas, aceleramos el paso, evitando mirarlas. Porque incluso un único roce con sus bellisimos cuerpos iridiscentes puede convertir en arena nuestra sangre para siempre: así nos lo han dicho y así se lo contaremos a nuestros hijos y a los hijos de nuestros hijos

(Thanks, thanks and besos for Ana and Ellen!!! and Falln-Brushes for some stunning brushes!!)

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