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Failed the expensive medical treatment

Failed the expensive medical treatment

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Failed the expensive medical treatment

Failed the expensive medical treatment, the parents met in secret the magician that, through divination with the Tarot card, gave them a cure based on love and pietas. The child not healed, but he lived last days surrounded of joyful serenity.

Fallite le costose cure mediche, i genitori incontrarono in segreto il mago che, attraverso la divinazione con i tarocchi, diede loro una cura a base di amore e pietas. Il bambino non guarì, ma visse gli ultimi giorni circondato di gioiosa serenità.

Thanks to Miyang and Numizmat for stunning Prehistoric rock drawings brush: thanks again my friends!! Their sites:

Comentarios 1

  • Candela 03/11/2008 19:49

    Sad background - but a very peaceful foto !
    Time and love are the best healers...

    BW Candela